Thursday 31 July 2014

This Ass Won't Quit

Healing, to paraphrase one of my favorite female Americans, is a very good thing. But some parts of getting better really aren't so great. I've summarized as follows:

Pros of Healing
  • Walk with fewer mobility aids. I'm down to one crutch most of the time. This means fewer instances of crutches falling on the floor and crashing loudly. Also I do not get trapped in doors as easily.
  • Walk pain free!
  • Walk longer than I've walked since January!
  • Walk!!!
  • Strangers still volunteer to open the door or carry things for me, and generally they treat me like a brave warrior.
  • Turns out that when I'm not on drugs I can use full sentences.
  • New bragging rights: my physio says that my progress is "unreal." I'm doing step exercises normally reserved for a few months post PAO. No big deal.
  • My kitchen is so much cleaner.
Cons of Healing
  • My handicapped parking expires today! Double sad face. While I haven't used the pass in a couple of weeks because I feel those spaces need to be saved for people who are having trouble, it was just so damned convenient.
  • My scar scares small children. (Or is that a pro?) A few weeks ago I showed Dan's nephew the top half of my scar, and he paled a little and didn't say anything for a few minutes.
  • I've gone through most of Netflix's comedy series.
  • Most comedy series aren't as funny when you're not on drugs.
  • I have to make my own lunch.
  •  B-O-R-E-D-O-M.
  • Butt exercises, butt exercises, butt exercises.
I complain about the slow nature of the rehab process and my interminable boredom, but it has all been completely worth it. Living pain free, walking - these were unimaginable concepts a few months ago, and I feel like I'm more myself than I have been in a long time. I am so grateful to have a condition with a cure that, although it's painful, can reverse my disability. I'm willing to do as many ass exercises as needed to get back to work and get back to life in general. I may have a scar that scares small children, but I've learned that some scars are worth having.

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