Wednesday 16 April 2014

10 Cardinal Rules for Surviving Disability

1) Become really invested in your cats. I recommend at least two. Get to know their sleeping patterns, prime cuddle times, and favorite hangout locations. Harness their purrs because they have healing powers. (Science actually says so). Other pets, like dogs, are ok too. My brother has a little Chihuahua that loves snuggling all the time and is extremely portable.
 My little Gizmo; my other man; my fatty.
Marvin didn't initially like me that much. I was persistent and forced my love onto him. Now we snuggle. Marvin enjoys sewing.
2) Leave the house daily. This is a lofty goal and often proves unattainable. But it is nice to leave the house. I go to the same Starbucks a couple of times a week, and I've created imaginary relationships with the Baristas who work there. It's kind of like visiting friends, but not really.
parks and recreation treat yourself gif

Once a week I treat myself to something special: new nailpolish, a book, a massage (RNs, you can get a prescription and get 30 bucks back!) It makes you feel, in the words of L'Oreal, worth it.
4) Create a reading goal. I've always wanted to read more Charles Dickens, so I tackled The Old Curiosity Shop, A Tale of Two Cities and The Mayor of Casterbridge (actually a Thomas Hardy novel). You feel erudite, you learn new words, and you get more naps. Next up: Nicolas Nickleby.
5) No day-time television, including anything PVR'd or Netflix. This rule is hard but it's a cruel world and cultivating discipline is important.
6) Shower every day. Put on clothes every day. This can happen as late in the day as you want, but hygiene is important.
7) Hobby Hobby Hobby! I make quilts. For example:

This is my recovery quilt for after surgery. Helpful for building my cat relationships and staying warm while reading or performing hobbies. See how many rules are interconnected?
Be creative with your hobbies! When my brother lived in Brampton, he started a cat photography blog. There's knitting, making jewelry, calligraphy, scrapbooking, meditation, language learning... All sorts of things to do that don't require standing. (More masculine activities are out there, I just don't do any).
8) Cultivate friendships. I talk more frequently with close friends and really value my friends who find the time to write me an email, send me a text, go for a coffee.
9) Use the internet with discretion. This blog has been a great way to re-connect with old friends and meet other people who have my condition, but I find myself getting a little caught up on it. Spending hours planning your dream wedding, reading about every hip dysplasia surgery ever performed, or too much pinning/Facebook/Instagram/Reddit/website of choice leaves you disconnected from the real world and a little bit lonelier.
10) Put lipstick on that pig. Once a week, wear pants that don't have an elastic waistband. Put on a colorful shirt. Remind the world that you still got it.


  1. Imaginary relationships with baristas are the best! ;)

    1. I know! I definitely am developing relationships between them, too.

  2. Carolyn Robbins16 April 2014 at 21:00

    Love the recovery quilt! I too quilt and made a recovery quilt! A nice size perfect for a hospital bed or on the couch!

    1. Carolyn I feel like we may be the same person... I just don't do calving or ride horses.

    2. Carolyn Robbins17 April 2014 at 07:56

      I know! I so enjoyed our chat yesterday! It's so funny to meet someone else with such similarities who is going through similar things!

  3. So I should follow these rules as well- they totally apply to the non-gimpy :)

    1. Start with treat yo self. It's the best one.
