Wednesday 23 April 2014

PAO Pals

As a pre-teen, I was obsessed with The Babysitter's Club book series. Those girls had everything: their own phone line, curfews, boyfriends, and super long hair. Their idyllic fourth of July beach parties, complete with fireworks, hot dogs and denim cut-offs, really set me up to be disappointed in my adolescence. As a teen I had the worst trifecta of features (short hair, braces and glasses) and the only clubs I belonged to in high school were book club and honor role club. Le sigh.

As an adult I really don't care about perusing the All-American teen-girl lifestyle. Girls worry over the dumbest things. Besides, I'm part of away better group now: PAO Pals. (Everyone I've spoken to with congenital hip dysplasia I hope you're okay with this name and being part of my club. If it's too lame you can drop out, I totally understand).

I've spoken with a couple PAO peeps on the phone, and today I met with two awesome individuals, Bill and CJ. I'm really glad that everyone's shared their experiences with me. There aren't many of us, and the pre-surgery package, as I've mentioned in a previous post, gives you no idea what to expect. No one uses pay phones, Alberta Health Services. No One.

So far, my PAO pals are all normal. Their legs seem the same approximate length and they don't walk with weird limps - all good things to someone nearing their surgery date. Everyone speaks really highly of Dr. Johnson and his work: pain and quality of life are way better after surgery. Plus I've gotten indispensable advice:

  • Respect the surgery.
  • DO PHYSIO. It hurts and it sucks but DO PHYSIO.
  • PCA no way (the little button post-surgery that delivers pain medication). Long-acting oxy is where it's at.
  • Quit boozin' two weeks pre-surgery. (I'm still going to beer fest).
  • Swim as soon as you can.
  • Listen to Dr. Johnston. If he says no walking, no walking: your pins can shift under the weight. Ew.
  • Make an excel spreadsheet to keep track of your drug intake.
  • Prepare to watch TV, sleep and eat ice cream.
Plus I've seen scars, pictures of X-rays and pins in the hip, and I feel like I know what to expect the day of my surgery. My PAO people were really positive and excited for my surgery and how I would feel soon after. Everyone I've talked to is physical proof that there is life beyond surgery!


  1. Carolyn Robbins24 April 2014 at 17:45

    I love the PAO pal name! I know we have only chatted once but honestly it is so great to connect with others who are going through this!

  2. PAO Pals! Love it - haha. Bill I'm sure will suggest a much more "hard-core" name, but until that day - I love it. haha Bill stopped boozin' 2 weeks before - I went to the bar and danced the night away 2 days before surgery. See you at beer-fest (I sound like a lush)
