Monday 14 April 2014

Surgery Prep Package!

I received my pre-admission Patient Instructions and blood work requisitions in the mail; it's definitely the worst package I've ever opened.
Firstly, no glitter hidden in the envelop. No smiley faces or encouraging idioms or pictures of people climbing mountains. In short: no inspiration and no aesthetic value. It's like the pre-admission people know that you're terrified and upset and they feel really awkward about it, so they try to maintain their distance by offering really helpful advice:
  • Bring change for the payphone. Really? People regularly use those?
  • Coughing instructions and leg exercises to prevent post-operative pneumonia. Pneumonia wasn't what I was worried about but maybe now I should be? Am I supposed to start practicing my ankle roles?
  • How to treat constipation. Hello lax-a-day.
  • Don't drive a boat for 24 hours after your surgery.  And no alcohol 24 hours after your surgery. DAMN.
I also got a yellow bracelet. I'll wear it after I get my blood work until my surgery so I will be ready to get a blood transfusion. Oh, and my pamphlet on analgesia only mentioned that death was a rare complication twice.
All set for surgery!


  1. Carolyn Robbins15 April 2014 at 18:11

    Sara I assume your surgery is at the Rockyview? Some advice.....go earlier than you planed to on the day of surgery....I got held up in the lab and then was rushed for surgery. Be prepared for how busy the surgical floor is once you are post op. I thought my job was busy as a rural RN....not even close....the call bells ring for 5 minutes at times before they are answered. They are crazy busy. Also, prepare your family for how long the surgery is, and for added time in recovery. My family was worried sick, even though I told them how long the surgery was and then added time in recovery, I spent much longer in recovery than expected even though things had gone perfectly fine. I think I might have finally got to my hospital room around 1800 hrs. On a positive, the care was phenomenal. Oh and take sturdy shoes cause they will be dragging your butt out of bed for physio. I think I was up with a walker on day 1. And let me tell you, I was in good shape going into surgery, but getting to the bathroom on day 1 was the hardest thing I have ever done. Perseverance! And every day gets a bit easier.

  2. Lax-a-Day is SERIOUSLY. THE. BEST.
    I'll bring you a good beverage to mix it into. :)
