Thursday 1 May 2014

Bruising and Muu-Muus

Shit's getting real.

Yesterday my mom took me out to buy muu-muus. Nothing beats their ease for post-surgical wear. No bending down to grab a pant leg, no pressure on new incisions, no waistbands, not for this girl Just easy-breezy muu-mus for all my summer style needs.

I also got my pre-surgical blood work done yesterday. I have been eating more beef than I usually do, so I hope those RBCs are nice and concentrated. I also have to wear a yellow band (to match my blood type in case I need a transfusion) until my surgery. At least, if I may say so myself, I have great veins. Seriously, they're practically garden hoses - they're every lab tech's dream. I'm so pale that all of my veins are ultra-visible- no palpating necessary. They're long and straight. You could throw an IV dart at my monster blue-green AC fossa and get it in, no problem. Fingers crossed I'll be an easy IV start... but I don't know, I've never had an IV before. (We don't practice on each other in nursing school if you're wondering. At least the rule-conscious students didn't).

Only problem with my translucent skin is that I bruise like a peach. I have a two inch long deep purple bruise from the collection poke yesterday. It's pretty gross; I look like a 90 year old on Warfarin. I'm going to have hideous bruising after surgery. I'll post lots of pictures.

Six days! Six days until surgery! I'm beyond freaking out. To quote one of my favorite holiday movies, I'm "shitting bricks." I'm a concentrated ball of nervous energy. Six more days!

1 comment:

  1. Muu-muus are the new black. I hope we get some Fashion Friday posts on this blog. Aka I want to see these muu-muus in action.
